If you decide to join the singles ladder, be sure to read the NOTE below.
The CCTC singles ladder welcomes players of any gender or skill level. Although it is competitive in the sense that winning players move up and losing players move down, the primary goal is to have fun and everyone is expected to behave in a friendly way. It is a great way to get some exercise, compete against different game styles, and meet new players!
The ladder is open to all CCTC members. CCTC membership is free and there is no commitment to participate in any other CCTC events. The cost to join the ladder is $15 for each six-month session. By registering, you agree to share your contact information with other players in the ladder, but it will not be posted publicly.
The summer ladder runs from May 1 to October 31. The winter ladder runs from Nov 1 to April 30. (The October 31 or April 30 date on the listing is the last date for the session; that is what the web site software displays because it expects events to start and end on the same day. The ladder runs for the full six months.)
NOTE that there are two steps that you must take to join the ladder. The first is to collect payment, the second is to register you with the software that manages the ladder. You won't be registered until you complete both of them:
Register and pay here (click "Signup & Pay" at the bottom of this page). The fee is $15 per session -- May to October for the summer session, and November to April for the winter session.
Then follow this link to the iTennisLadders site, select "Join" in the upper right corner, enter your name and related info, and submit. That should cause the administrators to be notified, we will activate your membership, and you will receive confirmation that you have been added to the ladder. Technology sometimes fails, though; if you don't receive confirmation within a day or so, send an e-mail message to vvtcSinglesLadder@gmail.com to let us know that something has gone wrong.
Once you have received confirmation from iTennisLadder.com, you can access the ladder at https://iTennisLadder.com using your web browser, or by using the itennisladder app.
Current settings are shown on the iTennisLadder.com site. If they disagree with what is shown here, trust them.
You can challenge any player up to 9 spots above or below you. Arrange matches based on your own schedule and at a location of your convenience. New members also are able to challenge players at any ranking up to 3 times.
Please be flexible when issuing a challenge so that players do not decline because they are not available at a specific time. You can use the contact information on the membership list on the CCTC website to reach out to players before issuing a formal challenge.
We hope that players will attempt to play at least 2 or 3 matches each month, but don't feel limited to that -- play as much as you would like.
You should agree on who will supply the balls. The usual arrangement is that both players bring a set of three new balls, and the winner keeps the unused set.
After a match, one player -- usually the winner -- enters the scores into the system, and both players' rankings in the ladder will be adjusted (based on having won or lost, not on the score). Please track your score as best you can as the system requires you to enter set or tiebreak scores and does not allow corrections later.
New players are added as they register. We can adjust your ranking if you find you have been placed too high or too low. Our primary goal is to have players as evenly matched as possible, not to have you work your way up the ladder to earn your spot.
Best of three sets is recommended; however, if time is limited, players may agree on any other way to determine a winner.
You are able to drop out temporarily (due to injury, vacation, or for any other reason) by setting your status to "unavailable" in iTennisLadder. Change your status back to "available" when you are ready to play again.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please let us know, at vvtcSinglesLadder@gmail.com.
Neil Drewbrook
CCTC (previously VVTC) singles ladder administrator